Boats That Float:
Building Meetings that Nurture Us
As we gather for Fall Quarterly, Friends are invited to explore what is most critical to maintain, grow, and protect within our Meetings as many of us rebuild after the challenges of COVID-19. What nurtures our youngest Friends will be different to what nurtures visitors; how a long-time Member and a new regular Attender nurture the Meeting in return will be different, too. What we each find is essential in a Meeting community may change for us throughout our lives. As some Friends depart, others may join the Meeting and bring new gifts to make the community whole in a new way. The future we want for Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting is one we must discern – and create – together.
Taking inspiration from a beloved tradition of our youth program, groups of Friends of all ages will work on building boats out of recycled and natural materials as an embodied way of exploring what is important in a community.
Host Meetings Salmon Bay and Pullman-Moscow