Seeking Wholeness in Community with Integrity
Bellingham Friends Meeting and Lopez Island Friends Meeting welcome you to the Spring 2025
PNQM Gathering at Lazy F Ranch! Join us April 25-27 as we explore the theme of Seeking
Wholeness in Community with Integrity.
Through an interactive plenary session and worship-sharing (while sitting, walking, hiking, and singing) we’ll consider what we mean by wholeness, how
it relates to the testimonies of Integrity and Community, and our experiences in seeking wholeness. We expect the theme to also flow through shared meals, interest groups, community night, business
meeting, and worship.
We hope to see you there! As we gather for Spring Quarterly, Friends are invited to explore what is most critical to maintain, grow, and protect within our Meetings as many of us rebuild after the challenges of COVID-19. What nurtures our youngest Friends will be different to what nurtures visitors; how a long-time Member and a new regular Attender nurture the Meeting in return will be different, too. What we each find is essential in a Meeting community may change for us throughout our lives. As some Friends depart, others may join the Meeting and bring new gifts to make the community whole in a new way. The future we want for Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting is one we must discern – and create – together.