Small Worship Group Guidelines

Worship sharing involves centering into a sacred space, which is maintained throughout the session and deepened as Friends listen and share. Worship groups are enhanced when a few practices are communicated to participants and observed by all:

Worship Sharing

Friends share from the silence on the queries, speaking from their experience rather than from their thoughts or theories. As in meeting for worship, silence between messages allows for respectful deeper listening, and Friends do not respond directly or ask questions about messages that are shared.

Worship Discussion

Similar to worship sharing, but Friends may respond, question, or discuss with others in the group. Waiting for quieter members to speak is especially important in this format.

Worship with Music

This is worship with ministry primarily through singing, returning to silence between contributions. Participants are encouraged to bring songs that will contribute to a sense of deep worship. The following song books will be used: "Worship In Song - a Friends Hymnal", "Rise Up Singing", and "Rise Again". Instruments (non-amplified, please) are welcome but not required.

Unprogrammed Worship

Traditional unprogrammed worship in the manner of Friends. At the rise of worship, we will offer an opportunity to allow Friends to speak to that which did not rise to the level of vocal ministry.

Worship Walking (Sharing or Discussion)

These groups walk together in silence and periodically pause to respond to the queries following the format of either worship sharing of worship discussion. These groups are offered only for those attending in person.

Worship Hiking

These groups hike together in silence and periodically pause to respond to the queries following the format of either worship sharing of worship discussion. These groups are offered only for those attending in person.